How to donate

You can donate to us without it costing you a penny, if you join Give as you live you can shop on your usual websites such as eBay, Marks and Spencer, Argos, and ASOS. We will be given a percentage of what you spend the amount varies per shop.
You can do a one-time donation through PayPal or set up a monthly donation on there as well.

You can do a one-time donation through Local Giving or set up a monthly donation on there as well.
Support us by buying items from our Amazon wish list

Volunteers are always welcome. The charity was started by volunteers and continues today with the help of our amazing volunteers. Not sure how you can help us? please see list below;
Help out in the hub, maintain our information section, update displays, clean and tidy.
Help run an art session at the hub.
Can you offer your services with facials, nails, hair and beauty. Give our parents/guardians a treat or raise money by raffling off beauty treatments.
Can you help update our website and database, help our members with computer skills? Could you show our younger members how to play safely online?
Can you do a sponsored walk, hike, swim, run or something else? Have a car boot, table top sale or tombola? Take a donation box to your place of work, local pub, corner shop? We always need people to run stalls when we do fun days at the hub or out in the community.
Help run music sessions at the hub, teach our members a new skill.
Sensory Room
Help with a monthly clean and sort out.
Could you come to teach our members a new sport or could your team/club offer a taster session at the hub.
Help at the twice monthly splash sessions held on Sundays at the leisure centre.
Toy Patrol
Help out at the hub with sorting and tidying the toys.
Do you have a business skill? Or experience in education or healthcare? Can you spare a few hours a month to attend meetings and support WHISH at events?
What else?
You may have a skill not listed here, and could help WHISH in another way. Please get in touch
Fund Raising
Here are some ideas to get you started fundraising for WHISH, we are always happy to help with any idea you have to fundraise.
Business owners can donate a substantial raffle prize, e.g. hotel stay, meal out and theatre tickets.
Bake Sales
People love a bake-off, so give them a chance to show off their skills and raise money for the charity at the same time. You could even add an element of competition and offer a prize for the best bake. Top Tip - Make cakes, biscuits and sweet treats that can be sold individually rather than one large item. This allows people living alone and young children to sample their favourites without having to purchase a whole cake.
Collection Tins
Boost our fundraising and collect change that people don’t want to carry around with them by putting out collection tins in hard-to-miss locations in the clubhouse or bar.
Donate Your Coffee Money
People love their speciality coffees and spend a lot each month on their favourite caffeine fix. Ask people to forego their daily coffee just once and donate the money they would have spent to your chosen cause instead.
Guess The Number of Sweets in a Jar
No need to spend hours counting sweets for this old favourite as you can buy pre-counted jars from wholesalers (just remember to remove the label with the total on it so that no one can cheat). Charge a small amount per guess, with the sweets as the prize for the winner.
Easy to organise and always popular, a raffle is a great way to generate extra funds for your charity, especially if you can get some really good prizes. Ask around for prize donations and speak to local businesses too - you’d be surprised how many people would want to win a free MOT from the local garage, a beauty treatment from the local salon or a voucher for a local shop.
Sponsored Silence
Take the opportunity not to speak to anyone all day with a sponsored silence. This may not work if your job relies on a phone, but there are lots of lines of work that could accept the challenge of communicating entirely via the written word all day.
Sponsored Walks
A simple event to organise with a little bit of planning, all you need is a clearly marked route and volunteer marshals placed at regular intervals along the way to make sure everyone goes in the right direction and to help anybody who gets into difficulties.
Swear Box
Keep it traditional and charge a fine for all bad language used in the office, or get people to pay up for using management speak. Anyone caught encouraging colleagues to ‘think outside the box’ or ‘get all their ducks in a row’ owes you a charity donation.
A must for any charity fundraising event, tombolas are often a great way to raise funds. They’re easy to run - you just need raffle-style tickets that people can draw from a bowl and plenty of generous prize donations, such as bags of sweets, bottles of wine or even money.
World Record Attempt
A wonderful way to get people simultaneously channelling their competitive spirit and laughing hard is to try and break one of the many weird and wacky world records out there.

Gift Aid
Gift Aid is a scheme available to charities. It means they can claim extra money from HMRC (HM Revenue & Customs). The charity can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate. That's as long as you've paid the basic rate of tax and make the donation from your own funds.
This means for every £10 you donate we can claim £2.50 extra from the HMRC.
Friends of WHISH
Want to support us but not eligible to be a member? You can sign up as a supporter, you pay the yearly membership fee and are kept up to date with events and fundraising efforts WHISH are organising.
If you would like to be a Friend of WHISH please email,