The Board of Trustees have the financial and legal responsibility for the charity, its strategic direction, activities and services.

Tony Chair of Trustees
Retired after a long career in the UK and overseas, at firms as diverse as British Rail, Liebherr, Rolls Royce, the UK oil industry and Nottingham Trent University, Tony has a business degree and is an experienced project manager including many building projects. His children and grandchildren have benefitted from being part of WHISH and he has been a volunteer for many years. He joined the Board of Trustees specifically to help with the transition to the new building and it's development.

I have worked in education all my career, working in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Staffordshire. First as a sports and Geography teacher then as a general teacher in Special Needs schools teaching sport and maths. I taught in residential schools for boys with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties. Mixed residential schools with wide ranging special needs, then I specialised in Autism. I worked as Head Teacher of a post 16 residential setting and finally ended my teaching career in charge of the Autism unit at a school in Derby. I have always been a keen sportsman; gardener and I love reading and music.

Hello! My name is Amy and I am very excited to join WHISH as a Trustee, having used the sensory room and other services as a parent. I work in Mental Health within the NHS as a family liaison officer. Prior to this I spent several years working with vulnerable children and young people. I look forward to supporting the fantastic work of WHISH and being part of this amazing resource for the Whitby area.

My brother and I have been WHISH beneficiaries and I have volunteered at WHISH over the years at Saturday Club, Thursday Teen Club, horse riding at Borrowby and fundraising events. I have 10 years’ experience in the logistics/supply chain management. Local connections include other charities, sporting groups and social clubs. Also, I have awards in sporting leadership and have recently undertaken a Leadership Apprenticeship with my employer. I have developed more activities for teens / young adults and hope to start a group for LGBTQ+ young people, working with the Development Worker and LGBTQ+ Champion at North Yorkshire Youth and at the local authority.

Hello my name is Jonathan and I am very proud to be a Trustee of WHISH. My daughter has benefitted from the Charity and I wanted to give something back. My background is in mental health, both as a clinical lead and management. I am now semi-retired and work within Nursing Governance and hope to contribute to the ongoing success of WHISH.

Hi my name is Colin and I am happy to be a Trustee of WHISH. My son really enjoys being a part of WHISH, and I really appreciate the support we have received, so much so that I wanted to be able to contribute back through the Trustee role. I am currently in Commercial Banking with a High Street Bank and have been for over 10 years. I also had my own local business in Whitby for many years and have always enjoyed working with the whole community. I’m looking forward to working with WHISH further, and am happy to support however I can in my role as Trustee.

Hello, I’m Carole.
My background is Finance within both Primary and Secondary Schools, also Management skills gained within the Retail Sector.
I worked for nearly 10 years as a Special Educational Needs Higher Level Teaching Assistant. Working with small groups of pupils and 1 to 1 which enabled me to become familiar with most hidden impairments.
I hope to be of value to WHISH as a Finance based Trustee sharing my knowledge of Financial and Procurement procedures.
Become a Trustee
Recruitment of additional Trustees
The Board is actively seeking additional Trustees to strengthen the range of skills and experience on the Board, share the responsibilities across a greater number of people and have a blend of “old hands” and “new blood “. We are particularly interested in people who can offer professional expertise in areas such as education, finance, fundraising, H.R., law, marketing.
The multi-stage process: An invitation to an informal discussion with the Chair and another Trustees, a tour of WHISH facilities and information given, e.g., development of WHISH, constitution, finances. The potential Trustee is given information from the Charity Commission about the legal and financial responsibilities of becoming a Trustee. The individual is asked to evidence how their skills and experience can contribute to and enhance the Board. Suitable individuals who wish to progress are invited to attend 1 or 2 Board meetings to have an understanding of the individual input and time commitment needed. For those people wishing to continue their application to become a Trustee, there are then Charity Commission checks to be made relating to legal and financial reasons for disqualification as a Trustee and declarations to be completed regarding fitness to become a Trustee.
If you would like to put yourself forward or nominate a suitable person, please contact the Chairman, Tony Walker, via email in the first instance.

Having recently joined WHISH, I bring with me over 20 years’ experience working within the education sector as a: deputy manager of a pre-school, teaching assistant and teacher in a local primary school.
Alongside my teaching experience I have carried out varied roles of deputy safeguarding officer, educational visits co-ordinator, school governor and chair of the PTA.
This, and my own family life (busy mum of 6), have given me an in-depth knowledge of the difficulties that children may face on a daily or long-term basis and the support and opportunities that are needed to allow them and their families to have a more positive experience of life.

I’m 30ish with a-levels in art, textiles and photography. I’m a baker in my spare time, I make and sell beautiful hand-crafted items at local craft fairs and I love exploring our local area. I am a crazy cat lady with 3 cats so far….
My previous job history is a mis match, I’ve worked in retail, hospitality and care. I loved all of them for different reasons. I enjoy meeting new people and having no two days ever been the same. I feel that my past working life has provided me with many varied skills which will be an asset to WHISH. When I first heard about WHISH, I thought what an amazing idea, I actually know a lot of people who could use this service.
I myself have a hidden disability I have Crohn’s Disease which has resulted in me needing a colostomy bag, which has given me a new lease of life and enabled me to work more often. It has also enabled me to be more empathetic with others who have hidden impairments.

I did a part time youth worker course equivalent to the part time courses today level 2-3. Then a 2-year full time course at YMCA national college part of North East London Poly. That was my professional training for my JNC qualified status, an HND equivalent to a level 5 today.
I worked as a project worker doing consultations and short-term projects, and I ran arts projects using recycled materials, in schools, holiday projects and festivals, dance and drama projects.
When I was in my late 30s, I started doing voluntary work with the drugs advice agency, RELEASE, and met a couple of probation officers and decided to train to do that - at that point, probation work was still more about rehabilitation, and had a social work element. This was hard but rewarding, I worked intensively with adult drug users and later with teenagers and their families in a youth offending team.
When we moved to Whitby in 2014, I did a bit of nannying, a bit of housekeeping and worked away as a houseparent at a boarding school – by 2015 was looking for work again and was lucky enough to encounter WHISH at an event for recruiting volunteers at the library- I was invited to run Saturday club at the Youth Shack, which I loved, and I got to know many families and felt part of the community here.
In terms of my personal experience of hidden impairments, I have a brother and three nephews with autism spectrum disorder, my son had depression, anxiety and episodes of psychotic depression and I have anxiety, and am mildly dyspraxia. My work aside from WHISH but related, is as a personal assistant and nanny, in which I mainly work with young people with hidden and visible impairments. I was very excited and honoured to be invited to work with WHISH in this new era.

I have business and marketing qualifications, working mainly in the Further and Higher Education sector for many years, then freelance as a consultant to business, charities and schools. I became involved with WHISH when I worked with the 19 schools in the Whitby area for North Yorkshire County Council. In that role I facilitated WHISH getting their first grants and worked towards becoming a registered charity in 2015. I have direct personal experience of Hidden Impairments in my family. A member of staff for 10 years, I have been directly involved with the development of a Hub, Sensory room and community facilities, seeing WHISH grow into the vital organisation it is today. I am currently involved with fundraising and partnerships, to help WHISH continue to thrive as an essential part of the local community.